Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

The Best Defence Is Information

"The strongest case for information disclosure is when the benefit of releasing the information outweighs the possible risks. In this case, like many others, the bad guys already won. Exploits are already being used in the wild and the fact that the rest of the world is just now taking notice doesn't mean that these are new vulnerabilities. At this point, the best strategy is to raise awareness, distribute the relevant information, and apply pressure on the vendor to release a patch."
—H D Moore

Information is power.... One that control information control the world

Antivirus - updated
Firewall - activated
IDS/IPS - bought
Vulnerability - patched
Your Brain - ????

Cyber threats such as spyware,scareware and trojan are no longer targeting your computer... They are targeting YOU

Personal information like financial standings, contact information, social activities are been gathered by unwanted criminals.

The best defence is information. Information is free - you need to know.

How to protect your identity and privacy? You maybe sharing your phone number,personal activities,hobby,surfing habits to other people that you DO NOT want to share with without realizing it? Web 2.0 has bring social interfaces to Net users for free with a high price - PRIVACY THREATS




Drive-by malware download using XSS attack

Low privacy and security setting in social networking sites provider —You 'mistakenly' shared information that you do not want to share to anybody to EVERYBODY

SEO attack

Javascript attack with PDF


Browser exploits

"Weak password"

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